I cut the onions
You in the sun among
the multifarious faces
that open and color


How can one move
beyond doubt?

I felt or I felt I felt
i.e.: I am a striver
and could never smash
you       Catch my cloak

How are we bruised like
this blue the sad
song   that one
and drown in you

    1)   Dink Roberts
    2)   John Snipes
    3)   Clarence Ashley

Born in the Mekong Delta and raised in the Washington, D.C. area, Hoa Nguyen studied Poetics at New College of California in San Francisco. With the poet Dale Smith, Nguyen founded Skanky Possum, a poetry journal and book imprint in Austin, TX where they lived for 14 years. The author of eight books and chapbooks, she currently lives in Toronto where she teaches poetics in a private workshop and at Ryerson University. Wave Books published her third full-length collection of poems, As Long As Trees Last, in September 2012.